Letting Go
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

Letting Go

How do you let go of someone who is a part of you? You are my blood, my DNA, my first child, my daughter.

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The Reality of Radical Acceptance
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

The Reality of Radical Acceptance

There is a term called Radical Acceptance. It is the ability to accept situations that are outside of your control, not resisting what one cannot or chooses not to change. You don’t have to agree, you do have to accept because fighting “WHAT IS” is exhausting and it gets you nowhere.

I hear other parents whose children have left say things like; “this is not fair”,” It shouldn’t be this way”, “we didn’t deserve this”…. Like I said, accepting doesn’t mean agreeing. It sounds like, “I’m in this shitty situation, I don’t think that it’s okay, but IT IS WHAT IT IS, and I can’t change that it happened”. It’s painful and it takes practice, but it’s the only road towards healing. If you ever hope to reconcile one day with you child, you need to look inward and accept what it and begin healing yourself. That way when the time comes, if your child and you do reconnect, you have both (hopefully) don’t the work necessary for a healthy relationship.

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Baby Steps
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

Baby Steps

The early days of reconciliation are all about baby steps, not the what-if’s of the future.

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Invisible Thread
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

Invisible Thread

We’re all different, leading different lives, yet we share this common invisible thread. I think there’s comfort knowing someone understands your feelings and you are not alone anymore.

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The Outsiders
Family Estrangement, Family Tina Bradley Family Estrangement, Family Tina Bradley

The Outsiders

Every parent experiencing estrangement, should take the time to watch “Dancing For The Devil” on Netflix about the 7M TikTok Cult. How do outside influences affect our relationships with out adult children? Sometimes it’s Parental Alienation, or a cult or their significant other. The end result is the same. Is love enough to bring them home?

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This Side Of the Glass
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

This Side Of the Glass

Music is a powerful medium for emotional healing. The song “The Glass” by the Foo Fighters and performed with H.E.R hit me so hard the first time I listened to it. The lyrics really resonate with anyone who has experienced estrangement, no matter which side of the glass you’re on. Link to listen is included.

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Love or Enmeshment
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

Love or Enmeshment

“There is no me without you. There is no life in me… without you. I breathe for you. I live for you.” Kevin Hart to his children. Love or enmeshment?

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Tina Bradley Tina Bradley


Gratitude - Finding the things I’m grateful for

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Storm Damage
Tina Bradley Tina Bradley

Storm Damage

Last night an F-3 tornado tore through your area & neighborhood. You’re gone, I get it, but I am still your Mom and you have to know I was a wreck, imagining the worst after seeing the pictures on the news. I tried to reach out to you - because surely, with something this extreme, you would at the very least want me to know you guys are okay… Silence.

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